We live in a hectic world, and sometimes our nerves become frayed as our minds start to race. Natural remedies like yoga, meditation, mindful breathing, and calming essential oils can help, but what you are eating may also work to quiet and ease the wandering mind.
In fact, a plant based, anti-inflammatory diet rich in specific vitamins and minerals may work to calm your nerves.
A diet that is anti-inflammatory replaces refined sugars and processed foods with whole, nutrient-dense foods. It also contains high amounts of antioxidants to combat free radicals looking to damage cells.
When you ingest inflammatory foods, the inflammatory response is activated and pro-inflammatory cytokines are released. Cytokines are small proteins that influence interactions between cells and can cause oxidative stress. When these pro-inflammatory proteins are released, they can impact your neurotransmitters, affecting motor skills and promoting stress. However, when you ingest antioxidant-rich anti-inflammatory foods, they can balance your mood by aiding in the synthesis of neurotransmitters. They can also repair damage caused by oxidative stress that could impair cognitive functioning.
A plant based diet is often considered anti-inflammatory because it excludes common inflammatories like dairy, copious amounts of saturated fats, and processed meats, and includes exorbitant amounts of nutrient-packed fruits, vegetables, and grains.
To prevent the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines that can cause stress, it is important to stop that release from ever occurring by eating fruits and vegetables that are high in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.
Antioxidants can contribute wonderful things to the mind, but additionally, there are two specific nutrients that work magnificently at relieving stress. These nutrients are magnesium and B-complex vitamins.
I lovingly suggest you to always choose real foods, that is vibrant in color, ripe, chemical free whenever possible, ideally local instead of processed vegan food.
The health of your nervous system is vital for maintaining all your body’s functions and avoiding a range of potentially serious health problems. But if you’re not getting a sufficient amount of the nutrients needed for good nervous system health, you can experience such as numbness, nervous twitches or even muscle cramps. Fortunately, one of the easiest things you can do to help ensure a healthy nervous system is to eat the right kinds of foods.
I lovingly suggest you to always choose real foods, that is vibrant in color, ripe, chemical free whenever possible, ideally local instead of processed vegan food.
Foods that your nervous system loves:
💚 Vitamin B1: sunflower seeds
💚 Vitamin B6: Bananas, potatoes, chick peas
💚 Vitamin B12: good supplement, sea weed
💚 Copper: prunes, spinach, kale, dark leafy green vegetables, nuts
💚 Berries and other deep colored fruits and vegetables
💚 Cold pressed stone ground virgin olive oil (dressings)
💚 Beans (sprouted)
Essentially fatty acids, which you can find in things like walnuts, almonds and flaxseed, are very important for healthy skin, nerves and cell membranes.
Spinach is a powerhouse stock of nutrients and vitamins, this leafy green vegetable also contains an abundance of antioxidants to boost overall health and slow down the raging of the brain and nervous system.
Whole grains—Brown rice in particular contains high levels of vitamin B6, which helps to protect against mental deterioration caused by high levels of harmful homocysteines. Whole grains also include magnesium, which is important for the health of your nervous system. Stabilized rice bran contains one of the highest levels of antioxidants of all known foods.
Cocoa – This contains a powerful antioxidant that puts the brakes on oxidative stress that can lead to Alzheimer’s and similar neurological ailments. It is also high in magnesium.
Garlic – This not only includes antioxidants, but garlic can help prevent aging of the brain and prevent infections, too.