Priya Design
Practice in comfort and elegance.
This category is devoted to the beautiful handcrafted yoga apparel, designed and sewed with love by my beloved mother. Her creativity and passion evolved into a small business of producing the most enchanting designs.
The Story
As I was just about to leave for the kundalini yoga teacher training in Cape Town in 2015, I started thinking about finding a convenient and practical head cover/turban. The one I bought some months earlier inspired me with the idea to convince my mother to create something similar that offers a better quality.
Besides some considerations of her that she might not be able to come up with a good replacement, I fully trusted her talent and abilities.

Not long later she proudly presented the first turban and I immediately fell in love with it. That was the flourishing begin of Priya Design.
People kept asking me where I got this beautiful and practical head cover from. There was an inner voice coming up again that sent a clear message to approach my mother again. I explained her that there is an abundance of yoga apparel and at the same time almost no option for kundalini yoga clothes. I often noticed the lack of feminine and beautiful designs and felt as there is something missing.
Now Priya design offers exquisite handcrafted pieces such as overalls, goddess dresses, half moon meditation cushions, turbans and tops.
They are not only suitable for your yoga and meditation practice but also can be worn in your daily life and even at a dinner party.
Priya design´s traditional process of the clothing is a labor of love and a beautiful handcrafted journey that transcends to the wearer. You can purchase your personal piece through me in using the contact form.
Meditation cushions

Meditation cushions can add an entirely new layer of comfort to your meditation practice. Use as a chair or a floor pillow, and adjust however you see fit by adding or removing the wheat husks inside the cushion.
You can purchase through me by using the contact form below.